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    Multichannel        Potentiostat/Galvanostat

    Dual Channel        Potentiostat/Galvanostat

    Portable        Potentiostat/Galvanostat
    Battery Impedance Analyzer

    External Power  Booster



ZIVELAB has provided electrochemical instruments design and developemt in hardware and software.,

    ZIVE SM, Smart Manager  Version6  is to control ZIVE SP/MP/PP/BP models. It provides user defined test sequence using sequence file,technique menu and batch file which serial test using sequence files and/or technique files. 

    This software is easy to use and functions which support various electrochemical experiments including functions of system control, schedule file editor, real time graph, analysis graph, user calibration, data file treatment etc.

    Sequence editor

      User can design his/her experiment procedure using TASK sequential routine editor.

    Control Parameters


    GSTAT: Constant Current

    Crate: Constant Crate

    PSTAT: Constant Potential

    POWER: Constnat Power

    LOAD: Constant Load

    CC-CV: Constant Current-Constant Voltage

    Crate-CV: Crate-Constant Voltage

    CP-CV: Constant Power-Constant voltage

    CL-CV: Constant Load-Constant voltage

    Id: Current denisty

    Is: Specific current

    OCP: Open circuit potential


    GSTAT: Staircase Current waveform

    PSTAT: Staircase Potential waveform


    GSTAT: Linear Current Sweep

    PSTAT: Linear Potential Sweep

    FAST-G: Fast linear Current Sweep

    FAST-P: Fast Linear Potential Sweep


    GSTAT: Galvanostatic EIS

    PSTAT: Potentiostatic EIS

    OCP: Eoc bias PEIS

    PSUEDO: Psuedo Galvanostatic EIS

    HFR G: Galvanostatic HFR

    HFR P: Potentiostatic HFR

    MsineG:  Multisine GEIS

    MsineP: Multisine PEIS


    GSTAT: GEIS for external potentiostat/electronic load

    PSTAT: PEIS for external potentiostat/electronic load

    HFR G: Galvanostatic HFR for external potentiostat/electronic load

    HFR P: Potentiostatic HFR for external potentiostat/electronic load




    Vpulse: Potential Pulse waveform

    Ipulse: Current Pulse waveform


    GSINE: Galvanostatic Sine waveform


    PSINE: Potentiostatic Sine waveform


      Cut-off(Vertex) condition

        - Time(step, test, loop, cycle)

        - Current, current density

        - Voltage

        - Capacity

        -.. -dV

        - |dV/dt|

        - |dI/dt|

        - |dT/dt|

        - Temperature

        - Aux1,2,3

        - Eoc

        - WHr

        - Power

        - Crate

        - Percent Capacity (LCC,LCD,FCC,FCD)


      Sampling condition

        time, |dI/dt|, |dV/dt|, |dT/dt|, |dA1/dt|, burst time


    Batch function

        User can design batch file including multiple technique files and/or sequence files. With this batch file, user can do experiments as several techniques /sequence in series automatically.


     Basic techniques

        1) Potentiostatic 
        2) Galvanostatic 

        3) OCP measurement 
        4) Double Step Potentiostatic 
        5) Double Step Galvanostatic 
        6) Potential sweep 
        7) Current sweep 
        8) Cyclic voltammetry 
        9) Fast Potential Sweep 

        10) Potentiostatic Ru measurement 

        11) Galvanostatic Ru Measurement


     EIS techniques

        1) Potentiostatic EIS
        2) Galvanostatic EIS

        3) Pseudo galvanostatic EIS

        4) OCP(*1) EIS

        5) Frequency scanning potentiodynamic EIS

        6) Fixed frequency potentiodynamic HFR

        7) Frequency scanning galvanodynamic EIS

        8) Fixed frequency galvanodynamic HFR

        9) Galvanostatic HFR monitor

        10) Potentiostatic HFR monitor

        11) Potentiostatic Multisine EIS

        12) Galvanostatic Multisine EIS

        13) Intermettent PEIS

        14) Intermittent GEIS

          *1. The system measures open circuit potential before for each frequency change and apply AC sine wave on this potential.

    Electrochemical analysis techniques

        - Step techniques

        • CA(Chronoamperometry)
        • CC(Chronocoulometry)
        • CP(Chronopotentiometry)

        - Sweep techniques

        • LSV(Linear sweep voltammetry)
        • SDV(Sampled DC voltammetry)
        • Fast Linear Sweep voltammetry
        • Fast Cyclic Voltammetry

        - Pulsed techniques

        • DPV(Differential pulse voltammetry)
        • SWV(Square wave voltammetry)
        • DPA(Diff. pulse amperometry)
        • NPV(Normal pulsed voltammetry)
        • RNPV(Reverse normal pulse voltammetry)
        • DNPV(Differential normal pulse voltammetry)

    Corrosion techniques

        • Tafel(Tafel experiment)
        • Rp(Polarization resistance)
        • Ecorr vs. Time
        • PDYN(Potentiodynamic)
        • CYPOL(Cyclic polarization resistance)
        • GDYN(Galvanodynamic)
        • Reactivation
        • RpEc trend
        • Galvanic corrosion
        • IR compensation for each techniques

    Energy(Battery ) techniques


        • CC/CV test for lithium battery charging/discharging cycle life test
        • CC/CC test for NiCd or NiMH etc. battery charging/discharging cycle life test
        • Discharging test
        • EVS(Electrochemical voltage spectroscopy)
        •  Variable scan rate CV
        • Potentiostatic IV curve
        • Galvanostatic IV curve
        • Steady State CV
        • GITT
        • PITT
        • Pulse mode is available for GSM & CDMA profile. Pulse shape profile can be measured by user’s demand. Pulse shape profile monitor (micro seconds order).

        4-2) Control mode

          1) Charge: CC, CC-CV, Ipulse, Vpulse, Isine, Vsine

          2) Discharge: CC, CC-CV,CP, CR, Ipulse, Vpulse, Isine, Vsine

        4-3) Cutoff condition;

          Time, voltage, current, power, temperature, AuxV etc.

          Various battery charge/discharge test is available including pulse discharge for GSM, CDMA application.


     Control & real time graph

      Smart Manager program provides 2kinds of  virtual control panel for control & data acquisition with real time graph. One is for single channel control and the other is multichannel control.  User can control and monitor in this control panel and he/she can monitor

           Multichannel Control Panel

      Multichannel real time graph

      data in VOI(value of interest) window and channel status in one window.  Real time graph’s X Y axis format will be changed per techniques automatically.  It can be defined by user's demand per techniques. For experiment using sequence file or batch file, user can select 3 real time graph's X, Y axis parameter.

      ingle channel control panel

      Each real time graphs format also can be selected. Real time graph format and VOI will be changed depending on DC test or impedance test automatically.  Virtual control panel can display graph for recent test result by setting.  For impedance measurement,  wave

      form monitor will be displayed on real time graph to check wave quality.  This monitor can be switched to Lissajous (I vs. E) plot. Graph.
      Smart Manager's graph function is to simplify the operation.  There are 3 kinds of graph per experiments. You can change X, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 axis parameter as you want.  Each graph provides short buttons. When you click these buttons, graph format will be changed following short button format.

      Strip Chart Recorder :


      DC graph for general data display

        Short button for I vs. V, E vs. LogI, V, I vs. time are provided.

        Graph parameters: Time, Eref, I, Eoc, Id, Aux1, Aux2, Aux3, Temp, LogI, Load, ChQ, DchQ, ChQs, DchQs, Ch P, Dch P, Ch-Wh, Dch-Wh, Sum Wh, Sum Q, Sum |Q|, |Q|, Rp, Ch Q/Q0, dQ/dV, Q-Q0


      EIS graph for EIS data display

        Short button for Nyquist plot and Bode plot are provided.

        Graph parameters: Frequency, Zre, -Zim, Zmag, Zph, Y’, Yimg, Y , |Y|, Yph, LogZ, LogY, Rs(R-C), Cs(R-C), Rp(R|C), Cp(R|C), Rs(R-L), Ls(R-L), Q(R-L), time, Vdc, Idc, Temp, Aux(1,2,3)

      BAT graph for battery cycle data display

        Short button for cycle capacity and cycle average plot are provided.

        Graph parameters: cycle number, Ch Q, Dch Q, Sum Q, Coulomb Eff, Ch-Wh, Dch-Wh, Sum Wh, Energy Eff, MinV, MaxV, ChQs, DchQ, ChVavg, DchVavg, Vavg

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