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    Multichannel        Potentiostat/Galvanostat

    Dual Channel        Potentiostat/Galvanostat

    Portable        Potentiostat/Galvanostat
    Battery Impedance Analyzer

    External Power  Booster



ZIVELAB has provided electrochemical instruments design and developemt in hardware and software.,

        ZIVE Battery Impedance Analyzer  

    The BZA1000/BZA60  are battery impedance analyzers.
    These can measure battery impedance. Fixed frequency impedance or whole impedance spectra. Also, these can measure open circuit potential and battery temperature using optional PT100 sensor. Independent impedance analysis software package ZMAN can read the data file and fit the equivalent circuit models automatically so user can determine the battery status.


    • - Real time plot with monitoring channel status following
    • - Open circuit voltage measurement, battery temperature
        measurement possible using optional PT100 sensor.
    • - Multichannel operation is available with different
         models in network
    • - Independent impedance data analysis with modeling &
        fitting, ZMAN¢â software compatible data format
        (No license requirement)
    • - Fine setting is available by subdividing the frequency to
        fix to 65565 per decade when fixed frequency


    Control Screen 

     - Mutichannel operation under mixing configuration with different model is available 

     - Real-time monitoring of current/voltage range, measured voltage value, and measured temperature value regardless of a test is started.
       (data are not logged.) 

     - Displaying schedule file and data file name

     - Schedule file selection/modification 

     - Start/Stop operation

    Real time plot and data monitoring

    - Lissajous plot/ current, voltage vs. time for AC waveform
    - Galvanostatic EIS (Quick galvanostatic EIS)
        Nyquist plot / Bode Plot
    - Rs-psuedo Rp/ HFR both
        Cs, Cp vs time graph
    - Zre, Vdc vs time graph (HFR)
    - Rs-psuedo Rp vs time graph (Rs-psuedo Rp measurement)
    - Vdc, Temperature vs time graph (Vdc_Temp monitor)

    Technique selection & Parameter Input Box

    - Galvanostatic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
        Bias & amplitude value is determined by current range setting
        Parameters: Frequency range, data density, iteration
    - Rs-psuedo Rp measurement
        Rs frequency, psuedo Rp frequency setting
        Interval & Total time setting
    - High frequency resistance measurement(HFR)
        HFR frequency setting
        Interval & Total time setting
    - Voltage - Temperature monitor (Rest monitor or Discharge monitor)
    - Quick galvanostatic EIS for screening (samples)

    Fitting display                                                     LEVM fitting

    Automatic Model Searching

    Network configuration(Wired,Wireless)

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