There are 5 loop control types.
Loop control in Sequence editor
is loop number. If Iteration is 0, this will do unlimited looping.
cutoff condition, Loop next is looping target step when sequence meet this loop
condition is to define target step when loop number meet iteration number.
Note1: The parameter of looping number for
stepend in cutoff condition will clear when it meet Iteration number.
If sequence logic has jump condition to
other step outside of looping control, it need to make another loop to clear
loop number for another looping control¡¯s step end condition.
Note2: Go next step number which was
selected for Loop Next in cutoff condition was changed automatically when you
insert or delete step.
you insert new step between step1 and step2,
next step will be changed from STEP2 to STEP3 automatically.
will loop the sequence by loop count. This will not affect cycle number.
will loop the sequence by cycle count. This will add cycle number.
n Cycle Number: This cycle number will be used in
the following cases.
In cycle
graph, the result parameters can be plot per cycle number
Break EIS graphs
in ZMAN analysis software if the experiments includes multiple EIS
SM software
ZMAN software
EIS graph cannot be split if you did not include Loop-cycle as the above.
SM software
In ZMAN software
Each EIS graph can be split if you did include Loop-cycle as the above
Cyclic Sweep/Cyclic Stair case control
If you select cyclic in Sweep or staircase,
This will loop between middle value and final
value within setting segment value.
If you input 5 for segments, this will proceed
as the following sequence
Cycle count will be calculate between middle
and final.
Segment 1:
Initial->Middle Cycle count:1
Segment 2:
Initial->Middle->Final Cycle count:2
Segment 3:
Cycle count:2
Segment 4:
Initial->Middle->Final->Middle->Final Cycle count:3
Segment 5:
: Initial->Middle->Final->Middle->Final->Middle Cycle count:3
Segment 6:
: Initial->Middle->Final->Middle->Final->Middle->Final Cycle count:4
Segment 7:
: Initial->Middle->Final->Middle->Final->Middle->Final->Middle Cycle count:4
If you want to make 1 cycle using 2 segment, you must set same value for
Initial and middle.
Manager software will count cycle number when it meet Middle frequency.
above sequence consists of 4segment of 1st step and 4segment of 2nd
step. Total 8 segment.
will increase cycle number at middle frequency. Total cycle number for 8
segment will be 5 cycles.
If you input iteration number in EIS
techniques, frequency sweep will be
Initial frequency-> Middle frequency -> Final frequency -> Middle
frequency -> Final frequency
technique menu
In sequence editor
If you input 5 for iteration, this will proceed as the following frequency
scanning sequence
You can control loop schedule file sequence.
This looping does not count cycle number. But cycle number counting in each
schedule file will be appended by other schedule file¡¯s cycle number.
A schedule file will count cycle number as 5 cycles.
B schedule file
will count cycle number as 10 cycles
C schedule file
will does not count cycle number.
If you make batch file using A-B-C sequence
using batch file cycle function with 5 cycles then data file will record (5+10)x
5 =75 cycle number.
A schedule
file using A,B,C with 5 looping.
Cycle count in batch (each schedule file in
batch file does not have loop)
If you want cycle count in batch file which
does not have cycle counting schedule file, then you must prepare sequence file
which has cycle count in batch file.
You cannot
set same loop control type inside of loop.
You must
set different loop type. (Loop-normal or Loop-cycle)
If you
must set same loop control type, you can use batch file loop function
If Loop control is sequentially, you can use
same loop control type
If Loop control is sequentially, you can use
different loop control type